René Jakobsen

State Authorised Public Accountant

René has many years of experience as a leading accountant and advisor for small and medium-sized companies, including associations, institutions and foundations. His clients included owner-managed companies in various types of, as well as privately owned companies, where he has assisted with tax advice.

He also advices in connection with starting a business, including the choice of company structure, ownership agreements, etc.


René can be contacted on the information below.

We are driven by personal commitment - Both in word and deed.

René Jakobsen
State Authorised Public Accountant


Christensen Kjærulff has a wide network consisting of a large number of financial institutions, lawyers and consultants. Our skilled business partners help to ensure that we can give our customers the best qualified advice.

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Nexia International
Christensen Kjærulff is a member of Nexia, a leading, global network of independent accounting and consulting firms. Please see the “Member firm disclaimer” for further details.
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RevisorGruppen Danmark
We are a member of RevisorGruppen Danmark, which is an association of independent state authorised audit firms that must ensure high quality and professional development in the work.